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WIS Professional Development Scholarship Deadline

Women in Science Portland’s Professional Development Scholarships enable Oregon graduate students to enhance their career development by attending conferences, workshops, courses, and related opportunities. Awards are given twice per year, in Spring and Fall.

Application link:
Application deadline: Monday, October 16, 2023, 11:59 PM PT

Who can apply?
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Identify as a historically marginalized gender. Our definition of historically marginalized gender identities includes cisgender women, transgender women, transgender men, nonbinary individuals, and all gender identities which have been systematically oppressed by those in power throughout history.
- Be currently enrolled in a STEM graduate program (Master’s or Ph.D.) in Oregon.
- NOT have received a WIS Professional Development Scholarship during the previous award cycle.

What can this scholarship be used for?
Scholarship funds may be used to support attendance at in-person or virtual professional development events, including research conferences, workshops, and courses. Examples of covered expenses include registration, course materials, abstract submission fees, travel, and accommodations.

What is the scholarship amount?
Applicants may request up to $500.

How many scholarships will be awarded?
WIS aims to fund up to $2000 in Professional Development Scholarships. The exact number of awardees will depend on the number of applicants, quality of applications, and funding amounts requested by applicants.

How will this scholarship be awarded?
Scholarship funds will be awarded after the event in the form of reimbursement by PayPal or mailed check. **Funds must be used within one year of award notice.**

What are the application components?
Applicants will be asked to provide the following:
- Contact information
- Demographic information
- Event information: Name and date(s) of event, estimated budget and scholarship amount requested
- Information on other funding sources for professional development (e.g., fellowships with conference funds, funds from mentor, other travel awards) and ability to attend event without a WIS scholarship
- Statement of benefit to applicant (300 words or less) – Please describe your professional goals and how attending this event will help you achieve these goals.
- Statement of scholarship benefit to community (300 words or less) – Please describe how attending this event will help you enhance your community.
- Optional statement of barriers to professional development (300 words or less) – WIS is committed to equity in STEM and seeks to support individuals belonging to groups excluded from STEM due to race/ethnicity, gender identity, disability, socioeconomic status, housing status, and/or other factors. If you are comfortable describing such barriers to your professional development, you may do so here.

When and how will my application be assessed?
We aim to review applications within one month following the deadline and will contact applicants with our decision shortly thereafter. Applications will be blinded and scored by a committee of WIS volunteers using a standardized rubric grading the following: clarity of proposal, benefit to applicant, benefit to community, and need.
For any questions, please check out our website or contact us at We look forward to your submissions!

WIS Professional Development Scholarships – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can WIS volunteers apply for this scholarship?
Yes! We just ask that you refrain from participating in the scholarship review process for the cycle during which you applied.

Can this scholarship be used to pay for my tuition?
No, scholarship funds may not be used for graduate program tuition and fees.

Do I need an existing funding source in order to apply?
No, existing funding is not necessary to apply for this scholarship. However, if professional development expenses exceed the maximum amount of the scholarship, the difference may be funded by another source (e.g., mentor, other awards).

Do I need a faculty sponsor?
No, a faculty sponsor is not required to apply for this scholarship.

What if I’m unable to afford the award expenses up front due to financial circumstances?
If awardees are unable to afford professional development expenses up front, WIS can provide earlier reimbursement (i.e., reimburse the awardee after they pay for conference registration, but before the conference has occurred), or directly purchase for the awardee (i.e., pay for the conference registration itself on behalf of awardee). Early reimbursement or direct purchase is subject to approval by WIS leadership. Please reach out to if either arrangement is needed.

What are some examples of community benefit from this scholarship?
Broadly speaking, we intend for awardees to share the knowledge gained from their professional development activities with their peers. Some examples include writing a post for the WIS PDX blog, making a guest appearance on the WISterhood Podcast, or organizing a workshop at your institute using your newfound skills. We welcome your creative ideas for achieving this goal!

September 26

WIS Happy Hour

October 17

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